Feelingkoi Author's page | World Anvil



Koi | Member Since 13 Feb, 2022
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Hey. I'm Koi, and I wear alot of hats.

Mainly, I'm an Artist, Collector, Streamer, Worldbuilder and DM, but I also like to do, share, and make a whole lot of other stuff. Honestly most of my days are just spent following whatever makes me happy for that day.

I've always loved creating and writing. Being able to create art and illustrate for my worlds has set of a new bout of passion for me. One day I want to create a world that I can weave into multiple projects such as campaigns and video games as well as writings and such, but I haven't made it that far yet.

A couple years ago I moved out of the UK to Finland and it has majorly changed my world view. I do love Finnish culture alot and being here has allowed me to pick up many hobbies that inspire me such as Lolita Fashion and Geneology. I finally have the space and the money to pursue my goals, dreams, and hopes.

Favorite Movies

There's alot of movies that I really have fallen in love with, but visually I'd have to say either Studio Ghibli Movies such as Howl's Moving Castle, Earthsea, and Kiki's Delivery Serivce but also Avatar (2009), I know these are fairly bland takes but they really do inspire me alot and I can understand why alot of people hold them in high regard.

Favorite Writers

Although I haven't fully read their works I'm very fond of the worldbuilding practices of Terry Pratchett and Ursula K. Le Guin, I really like how they tackle making a world and how it all works together nicely.

I've mainly read and fell in love with the works of Suzanne Colins of the Hunger Games. I think that she really knows how to write a compelling narative and I really enjoyed her take on it all.

Favorite Games

I'm a really big fan of quite a few major franchises, and as an avid video game collector I aim to collect as much as I can of what I love. My main 3 are the Final Fantasy, Pokémon and Animal Crossing franchises.

My favourite standalone Final Fantasy game is Final Fantasy X as I simply adore how alive the world of Spira feels there. I don't have much experience playing many Final Fantasy's however, though I hve collected a good chunk of them. There is a special, unquivocated place in my heart for Final Fantasy XIV but that trancends all this by a landslide, but I find my reasoning for that heavily personal.

Trying to pin down my favourite Pokemon game is hard, my first game was SoulSilver and I have a great deal of memories associated with that, but also with Ultra Moon, Sword and Shield, Let's Go Eevee and such. On a purely game-basis I'd have to say either New Snap or Arceus but I'm not sure if that's just because they're new right now.

I also really enjoy the Sims franchise, with my favourite being the Sims 3 but I enjoy the Cottagecore/Farm Life themed packs in The Sims 4 alot too.