Regulus_Vaikyn Progress Report

Red-Wire Crags

A possibly world ending super-volcano located in the western half of Gjalvalore named for the red fissures that appear on the mountainous crags above it

451 words


A continent of near constant turmoil, and the primary setting of the Broken Dawn campaign

375 words

The Line in the Clouds/The Cloud Barrier

A mysterious, cloud-like barrier that prevents travel inside, though does not contain those within...

373 words

The Natural Tyrants

Beings of the elements that serve as the thin planar boundaries between Alore and the elemental planes, and must be sealed to prevent their effects from amplifying and throwing the world into primordial turmoil

1180 words

Morphaligen, Shapeshifters

Creatures born of a combination of demonic heritages, capable of complete control over their biology

1194 words


The Forest Elves

1395 words

Forge's Calling

A mental condition caused by overuse of the Forgemaster's Metronome spell, which can result in overexhaustion and even death

757 words

The Ysrailorean Landmass

The Westernmost primary landmass, which encompasses the nation of Ysrailore

578 words


A subset of Demora resulting from the transfusion of vampiric blood into a victim

732 words

The Rotting Scion

A person whose body and mind were entirely corrupted by continued exposure to the Blade of Rot

871 words

Orthoni Gut-beard

A critically acclaimed Dellvo-kin artificer accredited with the creation of numerous spells, artifacts, and masterpieces

1858 words

Regulus_Vaikyn Progress so far

9764 words 97.64% completed!

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Mass Effect, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Minecraft, Pathfinder (Essentially anything offering vastly creative options). 

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