17. The Bosses - TW

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he kicks out, hands scrambling against the cobblestones under him for purchase, he thinks he might have hit his opponent


the world darkens and spins,


he struggles to grab at anything


he might throw up




he's flouting, head busted open on the rocks, limp and deadweight. his attacker is dragging his jeans down, and he wants to tell them to stop. he likes this pair - its hard to find pants that fit him.... he barely feels the knife that nicks his calf when the pants get tangled in his shoes and get cut free.

's'op..' he whines out

hands close around his throat, squeezing, lifting him up before





he'd been torn open, face shoved into the rough bags of trash with each thrust



he doesn't know when he passed out but the world comes back to a vague sense of up and down


there's a loud bang, metal door being opened. and he's being lifted up, thrown over a railing or ledge. the way he lands knocks the wind from him. then he's being tipped, legs tossed over after him and he hits the trash pile in a daze.

he's heaver than the bags, the pile eating him alive, pulling him down. something hits him - his cut jeans thrown in on top of him.

he tries to reach out, but his right arm just sinks deeper. his head pounds too much to try and turn, face down and suffocating.




out side the dumpster, there is a striking of flame, a match being lit. it's held to the match book until the whole things catches, before causally being tossed in with the rest of the trash. it lands in a crease between shirt and jean burning steadily down, until, at last, the fire catches on the cloth.

it burns quietly in the empty street.


"Found another kid in the trash today.."

Bodies in the trash was common enough for this island, but Athair had thought he'd made it clear that his turf was not a dumping ground for anybody else. "Another heaps kid or one of mine?"


Athair groaned. Really, was it too much to ask that people not bring trash out of the trash pit into his turf to throw it away on his door step. The Heaps belongs to no one; it was free game down there. But leave it there.

"Figure out who's doing this and get them out of my city. By any means." He was so done with people disrespecting him.

"They tried to cover it by burnin' it this time; The fire was the only reason we noticed in the first place."

If this asshole burned Athair's city down because he couldn't keep it in his pants, Athair was going to string him up by his own guts, once they caught him. "Fire get put out alright?"

"Yeah, stayed contained in the trash pile. But ah..."

The body. Damn. He'd need to send a cleanup crew then.

"The Heap kid's still alive."

Gross. Those things were diseased and disgusting already. How anyone would want to stick their dick in that was beyond Athair. Maybe burning it was an improvement. "Dump the whole mess in the Heaps and be done with it."

"Ceannard thinks the kid might pull through."

So what? "So what?"

"I think he wants to keep it."

Athair waved his hand in annoyance. "As long as it gets its shots and I don't have to see or smell it." He turned on heel to leave, "Kill whoever is disrespecting me, and dumping his trash in my streets."


He didn't hurt anymore.

Before, before it had stopped hurting and he just felt heavy. He'd been force... forced down. Smothered. Beaten and Violated, hands around his throat, pressing pressing pressing.

He'd been so happy when it finally went dark.

But then the light came back, at least around the edges. He still couldn't see, couldn't move, but he felt himself being lifted and dropped. Fall pillowed by bags or trash, softer and kinder then the trash that he spend most of his days hiding in. The bags shifted with his weight, swallowing him up. The smell and plastic pressed in on him, face down, he couldn't breath, couldn't even choke. He was sinking down, swallowed whole. He tried to push away, his right arm slipping down, but his left was free. He tried to claw his way out, hand clasping at air.

Clasping at fire.

He was drowning. He was burning.

Punch up into the fire. Sink down into the dark.

Burn in the sun. Drown in the garbage.

His arm screamed, he couldn't tell if it was there or not. He tried to push free, right hand sinking into the dark but he pushed up enough to get a lungful of burning putrid air. His back and scalp screamed and burned. He fought harder in the fire.

He lost the fight. He lost.

It was over.

He was flouting.

There as a hum in this place. A life to this place. A warmth softer than the heat he'd died in.

There was a clean speckled ceiling above him, a light covered in frosted glass. No dirt or webbing clung to the corners, light even and soft. The air was dry and sterile smelling, no life or story, no breeze.

It hurts to swallow. Like his throats been scrapped raw on the inside, crushed and broken on the outside. It hurts to breath, like his lungs are full of cotton and his ribs are smashed down into him. His stomach, his guts, his legs. Everything hurts.

Except his arm.

He can't move his head, its bound too tight with bandages and so stiff that he can't even glance out of the corner of his eyes, his vision ending at the bridge of his nose, the left side blacked out completely.

Killer frowns. He's no longer so sure he's dead.

He lifts his hands up into his line of sight, his right comes up easy enough - its been wrapped. His broken wrist and fingers are splinted, the busted knuckles covered in clean gauze. His left doesn't respond at all. He can't turn his head. He can't feel his arm...

He finally reaches over with his right, his sense of touch is muffled by the gauze and splints, but no - no it's okay. His left arm is there. He drags his wrist over until he can see - while his whole left arm is wrapped - unlike his right, these bandages are soiled and needing changed.

Killer forces himself up - its an infirmary bed, simple and bare. He's been stripped bare too, except the bandages and the light blanket pooling at his waist.

Nothing is familiar. He doesn't know this place, he doesn't know how he got here.. and..

Someone is coming.

He heaves himself off the bed, legs unsteady as he stumbled to the door, throwing himself flat against the wall behind it. It wont give him much of an advantage, but there's no where to hide, not enough time to flee.

"I can appreciate your will to live, but you will not harm another one of my men."

Killer snarled where the man held his fist, the broken scalpel falling from his useless fingers.

"I'm Ceannard, Boss Athiar's second. You owe me, therefor you owe him, for your life. If you want to keep it, You'll fall in line, kid."

His face fell. Shit. Kidd. He had to get back to Kidd. He had to get out-

"You already belong to one of the Bosses?" Ceannard asked, his tone mocking. When Killer said nothing, he scoffed. "That's what I thought. What do they call you, anyway? They bother giving names to Heap kids?"


Ceannard looked at the body on the floor. "Yeah. I believe that."



he's not sure what conclusion Kidd has drawn, but he can make some guesses. The carefully blank look on his face does nothing to hide the fury in his eyes. there are a dozen things kidd's reaction could mean, and killer is not looking forward to any of the conversations that will stem from it.
but one thing is clear, kidd's furious, and it's something to do with killer. and its serious, because kidd has also not said a thing with crew present.

all killer needs to do is avoid being alone with the captai. for... ever. or at least until he's forgotten what killer did so wrong to warrant that kind of look.

killer doesn't stand a chance, and he knows it.

he still tries.


Kidd corners him after dinner. the crew have wisened up to something being amiss, and have been subtly choosing sides throughout the night. some crew have been hovering awkwardly around killer, pointedly starting back at the captain. they'll leave on orders, but not a moment sooner. others dart out the moment kidd steps in the room.

eventually though, eventually, killer can't avoid kidd any longer, and the two star each other down. killer refuses to offer anything until he knows what kidd knows.

kidd's jaw is flexing, he's gritting his teeth, bitting back what he wants to say.

kidd is not known for the best impulse control, but he does actually think before he speaks, and he's clearly got something to say. but a whole day to chew it over doesn't seem to have him any closer to how to {}

"when..." he stops, frowning, before standing straight and looking killer dead in the eyes, mask be damned. "How long has your arm been fucked up?"

Killer flexed his right hand, but kidd stopped him, "you know damn well what i'm asking."

"Since Kutsk."

"That's twenty years to pick from. When in Kutsk?"

Killer's frantically trying to figure out how he wants to answer that, {}

"Why'd you really disappear, that first time?"

"What question do you want me to answer."

"Killer, look me in the eye, take your mask off."

He's not realized he's started to shake until then, when the very thought of kidd's order freezes him in place. he can't breath. That's dumb, why can't he breath?

Kidd crowds him, hand cupping the back of his mask, but doesn't make a move to take it off yet. He's starting into killer's very soul right now, the metal no match for his intensity.

"that man, the one that came and... collected you. that was one of Boss Athair's men."


"Did he hurt you?"

"No!" killer looked up suddenly, shaking his head to emphasize his denial, "no, Ceannard was never like that."

he's not sure he's said ceannard name since he was twenty, locked the man away after his death to trying and wrestle Athair's legacy back into some functioning criminal empire. It... hurts... to think about the man. Kidd drops his hand to the base of killer's neck, warm and heavy as his fingers slide under the weight of killer's hair. "I should have died." killer admitted, dropping his gaze again, staring intently at kidd's elbow, "ceannard pulled me out of the trash; took a chance on me."

kidd is quiet for a long moment. "you mean that literally."

kidd other hand comes up, and touches killer's jaw for a moment, killer glances at his fingertips. they're wet. killer swallows, his chest tight and mouth dry.

"killer?" kidd's voice is soft, a tone reserved for him and him alone, "partner, how'd you get in the trash?"

his heart is in his throat, strangling any words he tries to give to kidd. the world seems to be starting to spin at the edges, but that could just be from the frantic dismissive shaking his head has started to do. the tears starting to stream down his cheeks.

kidd's hand is on his jaw again, but the hand that was behind his neck is pulling the collar of his shirt back now. his thumb brushes the faintest of the scars under his ear, following them down his neck as they grew deeper, pushing his shirt back over his shoulder, the scars thick and skin distorted. as if seeing the burns for the first time.

they where nothing like the burn scars Heat left on those who crossed him. Heat's fire was hot and devastating, but it was a flash and they were done. Nothing ever so deep. Nothing hot enough, nothing lasting long enough to burn muscle and nerves away.

"you didn't leave. someone stole you away." kidd whispered, killer gasping down a sob.

kidd finally dropped his gaze, releasing killer from his scrutiny. he dropped his forehead against killers, the goggle making a harsh clang against the metal facing of the white and blue mask. he closed his eyes, drifting back to kutsk.

"they stole you. killed you."

remembering victoira. how she'd been left in the end.

"the fire was just clean up.. they'd already hurt you by then..."

killer trembled against him, and kidd pulled him close, tucking him in like he could chase away the past if he held tight enough.

/I should have been there. i should have looked harder. i should have never let you leave again./

/I should have. should have. should have.../
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