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Caladria (singular Caladrius) are a species of snow-white bird that appears much like a long-legged dove. They have been reported to have some sort of diagnostic and/or healing capability by those who report sightings. The few sightings that have been reported claim that the Caladrius flew in a window or door of a sick person's home, made eye contact with the ill person, and flew away within minutes of its arrival. The sick person then became increasingly healthier over the next few days. One report was from a man diagnosed with lung cancer. He is now cancer-free.   According to the Roman mythos surrounding the bird, if the Caladrius would look away from the sick person it visits, the person would die, although no reports of this have come in to the New Creatures Division as of January 2023.  
The Caladrius has been a fleeting creature to attempt study on, and the NCD has not yet been able to observe one of these creatures directly. As they are a creature from folklore, we do believe that they are a potential newly appeared species.
— Dr. Lena Hoffmann, Head of the New Creatures Division


There is some debate over whether the Caladrius is indeed anything more than a white-colored dove or even a fabrication or hallucination. All the reports of "miraculously" being healed by the Caladrius have come from people recieving treatment for their conditions, and it is possible that they healed naturally despite the speed of the recovery.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Scientific Name
Streptopelia caladria (tentative)
Conservation Status
As the Caladrius is extraordinarily rare and is only sighted for a short period of time, its population number cannot be estimated. No conservation attempts have been made at this time.
Distribution and Range
Caladria have only been sighted on the Italian Peninsula as of January 2023, although their range may increase over time.

Cover image: Caladrius Header by moonflower with Canva


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