Ready, Set, Write
Wait, not yet. We need to wait until November 1st to start our projects. What I mean right now is are you ready for it? Do you have a list/mood board for inspiration? Do you have a list of streams and a playlist that get you excited to write? Do you have a plan B and a selfcare plan? Do you have all of that? GOOD. Now we are going to into making your workspace ready.
Clean up your desk, get your snacks. For streamers have your OBS updated, and yourself signed into the GOT event. Print out your own Game of tomes checklist, which you will find in the discord homework week 4 thread.
and place this on the fridge. Prep your Google Doc (James told me that it has a wordlimit, so keep that in mind), Worldanvil Manuscript, your notebook, 4thewords file, word document, scriverner. To get you started. And now sit back, relax and wait until it is November 1st.
What do you need to turn in
Well, I do expect a lot of photo's of cleaned workspaces. Or inter streams that feature this deep clean. Or pictures of the Game of Tomes checklist on your fridges. So be creative, I love what you all did so far.
You are not going to do this homework for nothing, there will be a shiny badge at the end of the tunnle. Fill out your homework and submit it one a google doc, World anvil article, various variations of word.
This badge will be rewarded if you completed one week of assignments.