Putty Buddy Species in Game of Tomes | World Anvil

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House Lapin

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Putty Buddy

Putty Buddies are a form of terrestrial, animalistic, boneless creature similar in consistency to gelatin. They appear to be simple, colored blobs of goo at first glance, but further observation will inform the viewer of rudimetary sensory organs known as "tactosonar nodules", which give the Putty Buddy's skin-membrane a slightly bumpy texture. These nodules detect temperature, touch, and vibrations (sound).  


Respiratory System

Putty Buddies breathe via gas diffusion through the skin-membrane, which, although inefficient for their size, provides enough oxygen to the slime. These creatures have no lungs, and must maintain external contact with the air at all times to avoid suffocation. If Putty Buddies find the environment to be too warm for proper respiration, they will secrete a thin mucus to keep themselves cool and breathing.  

Digestive System

Mobile garbage disposal units. And they're cute! What's not to like?
  The Putty Buddy is practically a mobile stomach. It ingests food by throwing its body at its prey until able to push the object or creature through a gap in its skin-membrane and into its strongly acidic body. Inside the skin-membrane, the Putty Buddy's prey is digested via complete dissolution. Any waste products are secreted in the form of a noxious fluid. Notably, the Putty Buddy can digest anything less massive than itself, so waste products are rare.  

Musculoskeletal Structure

To be honest, I'm not sure how this thing is ALIVE, much less how it moves.
Dr. Lena Hoffmann
  As the mobile gel the Putty Buddy is composed of can be considered neither muscle nor bone, it has no musculoskeletal structure to speak of. It can move up to 8 kph though. Some professionals theorize that the movement is caused by falling over itself in the direction of attempted movement. Others just say "magic" and go for a strong drink.  
I carry Sticky around in a bucket! See!
— Queen Sable, satisfied and excited


The first Putty Buddy, Sticky, was spawned from Foxx's imagination and just never left this plane of existence. All the other ones started appearing soon after. Sticky has been observed asexually reproducing via budding at least once.  

Dietary Needs and Habits



Putty Buddies have displayed a range of personalities, but few changes in mood. Queen Sable's pet, Sticky, is notably affectionate and its skin-membrane gap (which is very similar to a mouth) is curved upwards as if smiling, which is sheer coincidence, but is notable nonetheless. Sticky has been known to show signs of pleasure when being pet or cuddled, and will actively seek out these situations. Putty Buddies show pleasure by lightly wrinkling and releasing their skin-membranes (don't ask Lena how they do this. She really doesn't know). On the inverse, the slime-creatures vibrate when displeased.  
— Queen Sable, when awoken by Sticky's snuggles
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Scientific Name
Imaginatio gelatina
You know, none have died yet
Conservation Status
They are out of control. Please send help.  
You're sure you don't want one? They're really cute!
— Queen Sable Aradia of House Lapin
Average Height
Well, it's about 6 gallons?
Average Weight
30 kg... Or equal weight to its volume in maple syrup
Discovered by
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Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades


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