House Ailurus

0 Tomes0 Tourneys

House Chiroptera

1 Tome0 Tourneys

House Lapin

2 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Meles

0 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney

Salem Meles ([ SEY-luhm MEH-leez ] | / seɪ ləm ˈmɛ liz /)

Princess Salem Meles (a.k.a. Salembear)

Salembear is a Princess of House Meles and the third eldest child among the Forgelings. As a Werebadger she is second in line to the Willow Throne after the Badger Prince Lord Galakrond. She is one of the Forgelings, and the biological daughter of Sable Aradia and the Badger Lords.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Princess Salem recently came to the attention of the literopolitical scene when she engaged in a discussion with Regent EGryph of House Avis during The Third Word War. She asked questions about gryphons, and about a ring that was gifted to EGryph by a Badger lord. She also made open declarations of her interest in the Willow Throne, and a half-hearted desire that her brother not return from being the Night Monarch, since that would make her the Meles Heir. This conversation alarmed Sable-rah and Darth Nikolas when it was reported to them by their security teams, and they are now looking for ways to educate the Forgelings in the ethical use of power.


Family Ties

As the biological children of Sable Aradia, the Forgelings are siblings of the scions of House Ailurus and House Lapin.  

Hobbies & Pets

Princess Salem plays the viola.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2008 17 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
long, straight, dyed pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English, Badger, some Rabbit.

Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades
Character Portrait image: Salem Meles by HeroForge


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