Questing Beast ([KWEST-ing BEEST] / ˈkwɛstɪŋg bist /)
The Questing Beast is a chimerical creature said to have the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the backside and tail of a lion, and the feet of a deer. A formerly accepted explanation for this Arthurian beast was a description of the giraffe, but Questing Beasts have recently made an appearance in the UK and France, proving the legends to describe a completely different creature... presumably.
Basic Information
The questing beast has a bald and scaled head with a triangular shape to it. Their inch-long fangs are made for injecting a powerful venom produced in glands under the sinuses. The eyes of a Questing Beast are slit-pupiled and have little sclera. Their irises are coppery or golden colored, which contrasts well against their emerald- or deep-green scales.
The Questing Beast's neck is long and thickly muscled. The line between scales on the neck and fur on the deep-barreled chest (which is tawny and dappled with dark spots) is clear-cut. The long tail is tipped with a tuft of dark fur.
The legs of the Questing Beast are quite short for its length, but are heavily muscled and covered in a short fur. Their feet end in cloven hooves.
Questing Beasts make a noise that sounds much like the barking of a large dog, only deeper.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Questing Beasts are hypercarnivores, with an average diet of more than 70% meat. They typically prey on large animals such as deer when actively hunting, but they have been observed scavenging more often than hunting. It is likely that most of the Questing Beast's diet consists of scavenged meat such as roadkill.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The sight of a Questing Beast is well-suited for detecting motion, but cannot see in "full" color. They are believed to see similarly to humans with severe red-green color blindness. They are believed to have excellent night vision.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Arthur and the Questing Beast by Wikimedia Commons (public domain)
Scientific Name
Chimera glatisant
Conservation Status
Questing Beasts are very rare creatures, most likely due to their recent reappearance. Their scavenging behaviors have led to at least two known individuals being struck and killed by vehicles.