AttorraRu ([uh-TOH-ruh-roo * uh-TAWR-uh-roo] | / ə ˈtoʊ rə ru * ə ˈtɔr ə ru /)
Lapin Librarian, Dame AttorraRu , DoR (Defender of the Realm) (a.k.a. The Dragonbunny)
AttorraRu is "the dragonbunny," a dedicated supporter to and House Librarian of House Lapin who was drawn to the Rabbit House from the other side of the world. She is known for her protectiveness, her mothering nature, and her refusal to take any shit from anyone. Now one of the Night Watch, she originates from Aberdeen, Scotland.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
In human form, AttorraRu thinks of herself as overweight, but she is not exceptionally so.
Body Features
Her dragon-bunny form is purple, as this is her favourite colour given she is in fact an Amethyst dragon.
Identifying Characteristics
The Dragonbunny wears wire-rimmed glasses in her human form.
Special abilities
AttorraRu can transform into a large purple dragon, or a smaller, purple Dragon-Bunny form, which resembles a cute bunny rabbit with draconic wings.
While she is not an exceptionally fast literomancer, "Ru," as she is known to her friends and family, is a very determined one. Her tenacity has served her well in such actions as The Battle of the Book and The 50K Offensive, and she is counted among the Defenders of the Realm.
Apparel & Accessories
In human form, AttorraRu prefers to wear a T-shirt and comfy trousers.
Specialized Equipment
When in human form, AttorraRu fights with the Dragon Sword.
Mental characteristics
Personal history

Dragonbunny by HeroForge
by HeroForge
Personality Characteristics
Likes & Dislikes
Easy going, introvert who loves to play games and write. Likes writing, gaming, and magic.
Virtues & Personality perks
Kind, Generous, yet doesn’t suffer fools.
Vices & Personality flaws
Has recently quit smoking. Gets overwhelmed by too many people.
Family Ties
Religious Views
Pagan, Priestess of the Mother.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Chaotic Good
Current Status
Rebuilding her cave after WW3
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
401, but looks 40
Current Residence
A cave behind BX Falls on Silver Star Mountain, near the Warren
Blue-grey, piercing
Long, strawberry blonde (in other words, ginger)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, pale
No clue… she doesn’t like to measure herself
Quotes & Catchphrases
May the Mother bless you and the Father give you His love.
The Lady
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations