House Ailurus

0 Tomes0 Tourneys

House Chiroptera

1 Tome0 Tourneys

House Lapin

2 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Meles

0 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney

Black Market

The Popup Black Market

Market Form Link
(the inline form wasn't working anymore, so we'll just link to the form.)


What are the Black Market Popup Shops?

A set of shops run by the Self Care Mafia that will appear weekly during Game of Tomes and Game of Tomes: Tourney of Tales. Each GoT and ToT, we'll have special deals on a set of badges to collect. When you complete the self care tasks you can use those tasks to 'purchase' the special badges..   These deals are too good to refuse and will only be available a short time each week. Then they're gone forever.


Badges, You Said?

You heard right!   During major events (wars and tourneys), we'll have a set of badges you can earn. Badges will change out weekly.   Want a peek at the current badges?


What Do I Have to Do to Earn the Badges?

Only Available During Major Events (Wars and Tourneys)   You can track your self care EACH WEEK with our There's a new bingo card for each week of the event. The Tiny Tasks Challenge is for the entire event month.


Self Care Bingo

Your self care will act as currency for the collectable badges in weekly Self Care Mafia popup Black Markets.   You’ll have a chance to earn collectable badges.
  • 1 Bingo on the week's bingo sheet = 1 badge earned for that week.
  • 2 Bingos on the week's bingo sheet = 2 badges earned for that week.


    Tiny Task Challenge

    The Tiny Task Challenge is to help you go above and beyond basic self care for that little extra to make a difference and earn your fedora! Mark each task off (max of 1/day) you complete a self care aspect. At the end of the month the Tiny Tasks badge will be available.   If you've completed 25 Tiny Tasks for the month, you may retrieve the fedora badge for 25 tasks . If you didn't manage 25 tasks, we also have a badge for completing 10 tasks. (This is to encourage those who join GoT a little late and those who are struggling.) There is also a participation badge for those who complete at least 1 Tiny Task. So there's nothing to be afraid of!


    A note about cheating.

    There is no honor in lying about self care. Seriously.


    What About the Gold Stars the Mafia Gives Out?

    If you receive a gold star, write that down on your bingo sheet or checklist and use it as a "free square" on either type of sheet.


    Where will the Black Market Popups Appear?

    A link to the market form is at the top of this page.   During major events (wars and tourneys), links to the markets will go live on the Self Care Mafia page some point on Fridays (CDT) each week of the event and vanish sometime on Sunday (CDT).   The days for the last market may vary.   NOTE: If the week is only a partial week, due to the month only having 4 Fridays, please use all available GoT event days before the store opens. (For example: If there are 4 Fridays in the month and the first day of the month is on a Tuesday, then the 1st through 4th are the days that make the first week. You get off easy that week.)  


    How Can I Display my badges?

    If you wish to display your badges in your WA author profile or an article page, you can copy and paste the code below and insert your badges as you earn them.
    [h1]SCM GoT/ToT Badges[/h1]
    [small]The @[Self Care Mafia](organization:52078ed3-9014-4cae-84c1-c61196286dab) highly encourages writers to take care of themselves during stressful writing events like NaNoWriMo and Game of Tomes. Those that do, can earn collectable badges.[/small]
      You can also use your badges in your streams or other sites. If you need help with this, let us know. We'll do our best to help you show off your badges!
    This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
    This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.



    Self Care Tasks Bingo and Focus Checklist


    to reward GoT/ToT participants for self care during a crazy, stressful writing month.
    Founding Date
    April 2022
    Market stall
    Owning Organization

    Cover image: by SRF + MJ


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