Commant (Comma + Ant)
Commants are one of the many accidental creations of Foxx. They are the result of Foxx having an unfortunate habit of adding commas into their word documents in lieu of periods or other grammatical options. What magic was used to create them appears to be a combination of accidental literomancy from Sable Aradia attempting to correct Foxx's grammar, and Foxx's own chaotic energies.
Every time Sable deleted a comma from one of Foxx's word files, it appeared within the room, too small to be noticed at first. They went unnoticed for some months as their numbers built up until people started noticing the lines of them marching between piles of crumbs and collecting glitter, which they appear to line their nests with. This is blamed on Foxx's influence.
Attempts at pest control where made almost immediately as no one wants ants hanging around, even if they are as cute as these ones are. As it turns out, just like the Slime Molds, they are pretty impervious to Literomantic magics. They can be destroyed, but it takes a bit more effort and it's usually best to divert them, just like their normal ant brethren. Commants do, however, despise periods and you can often divert them away from places you wish to keep them out of by simply placing dotted lines on the floors. Like ants, commants also dislike vinegar, thyme, chalk lines, peppermint, lavender and lemon grass, and so it is fairly easy to keep commants out of kitchen spaces, private areas, or even entire homes, as the commants are even more sensitive than real ants and simply adding a bit of lemon or lavender to your floor cleaner is enough to drive them away. This is considered inadvisable however, as they, like much of Foxx's chaos, tend to be rather useful at the end of the day.
Commants, as all ants, are helpful scavengers who will clean up spilled foods and drink. Most importantly, they like to gather glitter which they use to line their tunnels and homes. This means, that when Foxx has come around, they will clean up after the annoying glitter spewing being which created them in the first place. because of this, many of the commants from the original colony have been carefully relocated to key locations in order to keep at least some of Foxx's glitter under control.
You can usually tell when you have commants in your area, because they will follow one another in a single file line, just like regular ants, making them particularly easy to spot. Especially if you leave out a nice little treat for them to find. However, they can be a bit annoying as, if you leave food out for more than an hour or two, you will inevitably find it covered in commants. Especially if it is something you where really looking forward to.
There are rumors that Foxx has used a large Comma Army in order to excavate huge amounts of glitter from mines deep underground. The 'Glitter Mines' are also not confirmed, but given the amount of glitter Foxx has access to even after having much of their stash confiscated multiple times, they seem to always get more. As such, the rumors persist.
Basic Information
Growth Rate & Stages
They pop into existence fully formed. This is very strange, but they don't seem to mind.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Commant by Foxx
Scientific Name
Comma Formicidae
Foxx created these by accident. Foxx does not know how... they never do... or so they claim.
Conservation Status
They are spreading in rapid numbers and have built colonies in nearly every literomantic-heavy location. However, because they are so small, no one seems to mind them so much, especially as they are prone to cleaning up spills and messes as well as glitter.
They are also prone to stealing food left out for too long, so forget about your lunch at your own risk.
Discovered by