House Ailurus

0 Tomes0 Tourneys

House Chiroptera

1 Tome0 Tourneys

House Lapin

2 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Meles

0 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney



A Knightwing for Queen Tara of House Chiroptera, Phyreball is a small being akin to a wisp or flame, dealing specifically with the walls and security of the walls in the Cavern.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

  • Gaseous body
  • Red fire-like gas around the edges and on its head

Special abilities

  • Focusing his seemingly physical form into a smaller size (the excess gaseous mass follows it like a cloak)
  • Setting things on fire
  • Convincing Squish to go along with it’s schemes
  • Theft of small items and shiny scraps
  • Getting to places it seems it shouldn't be able to (this seems to be due to skills in parkour and a small, light, and flexible body)
  • Uses their chisel to channel their literomancy, often writing on stone and more recently, gems
“How in the world did that thing make two and a half fires in 3 seconds. HOW DID IT MAKE HALF A FIRE?”
— Undocumented observer

Apparel & Accessories

by Phyreball
  • Au naturel
  • A chisel

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nobody knows exactly what Phyreball is or where it came from.
  Their first appearance was Squish running into Queen Tara’s ankle due to being ridden by Phyreball, they quickly fled afterwards. From then on, they were occasionally seen playing around with Squish.
  After the Third Word War, Phyreball could be heard screaming in delight as they were thrown at various walls in the Cavern, testing the literomantic protection Queen Tara had been working on.
  As he was thrown in to Queen Tara's literomancy, and snuck around to try and squeeze past her literomancy outside of work hours, he was able to fuse into the walls of Security Level 7, and showed up in Tara's brain while he was fused. In her brain, he had perfect articulation of the English language, albiet a pension for speaking essays on ankles.
by Phyreball
Through Phyreball's small size and literomantic powers, they were able to travel through unprotected electronics and small cracks in the walls. This led them to finding, at least what they think to be, an old defence system made up of literomantically infused crystals in the walls.
  With their necessary powers for the advancement of the Cavern's Defense System, and oath to protect the Queen, Phyreball rose to the position of Knightwing at the end of the 2023 April Tourney.
  He found a sekret manuel in the Knightwing room (or attatched to the room in the walls) for chiselling. Queen Tara's Ancestor Ghost has found some stories about an Ancient Chiseler in Chiroptera's Sekret Library Library, and has let him know when they have been chilling and chatting in Tara's brain. With this, he has been practicing gem carving, and even helped Queen Tara with an enchantment buff for Queen Sable and Prinx Tempest during the Great Migration.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Stealing small things people have lost, showing their owner, then keeping said item
  • Causing mischief with Squish
  • Smiling
  • Riding a creature into another's ankles
  • Creatures with no ankles
  • Creatures too small to viably target their ankles
  • Amputees (those who have lost their ankles)
  • Butterflies (they HAD SOOOO many ankles)

Virtues & Personality perks

  • No ankle discrimination
  • Generally does not run into the ankles of people who are hurt (physically or emotionally)
  • Does not destroy peoples ankles
  • May bond with someone aiding their duties when needed and not causing them mischief

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Riding other creatures without their permission
  • Running said creatures into another's ankles
  • Starting random fires
  • Being mostly unreliable when it comes to battles


Contacts & Relations

Phyreball loves to hang out with Squish (Queen Tara's first golem). Here is an interaction between the two, from Phyreball's perspective:
Squish was being very blue today.
  Physically he was quite grey.
  No doubt due to the ash I had covered him with.
  He gave me no response to anything I did.
  “What is she hiding from me? Why is she hiding it?” He muttered looking upwards and despair and grievance.
  Someone is hiding something from him? Probably the queen lady, she keeps important secrets from everybody. I got to learn some recently due to my new role.
  “When will she tell me?” The ashen lizard moaned again.
  Probably never. She keeps secrets for reasons and there is hardly any reason to share them now.
  Squish bolted upright throwing the pile of ash away, “I’ll get her to tell me about it!”
  Oh? When will he do...
  He just ran out.
  He didn’t even react at the end!
— Phyreball
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Seems to follow some stereotypical male behaviours
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple and blue wisps of seemingly gaseous material with red fire-like gas where its hair would be
30 cm (normal form)
10 cm (shrunken form)
Unable to remain still long enough to measure
Quotes & Catchphrases
… BOO!
Shows favour (attention) to the Queen of the House (mainly her lizard)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades
Character Portrait image: by AvalonCollierArt


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