Sauropoda Protectorate
The Sauropoda Protectorate, also known as Sauropodia, is the territory that is claimed by House Sauropoda. It runs the length of the Atlantic coastline of North America, and consists of what was once the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and the Maritime Canadian Provinces, including the former US states of Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia. Technically, it also includes Rhode Island, but what remains of Rhode Island has become part of the seacoast. It originally included what was once the Canadian Province of Quebec, but Quebec was ceded to House Avis in 2022, prior to The Third Word War.
The geography of the Sauropoda Protectorate includes everything from vast wetlands, to impressive mountain ranges. Much of it is either mountain ranges, or swampland and river delta, since most of the Protectorate's land is considerably closer to sea level than it was before The Restructuring. Some significant geographic landmarks include:
The southern shores of the St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence
The southern and eastern shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, two of the Great Lakes
The East Coast Greenway
Several major rivers, including the Susquehanna River, the Roanoke River, the Connecticut River, James River, the Hudson River, the St. James River and many other significant waterways
The Appalachian Mountains
The Georgia Pines (site of Pinetop, the Avis Embassy)
Okefenokee Swamp
The Carolina Swamp
Mt. Mitchell (now Mesa Mitchell)
Several barrier islands with long stretches of sandy beach, including the Outer Banks of North Carolina and Cape Canaveral, Florida
What remains of the Florida Everglades after the Restructuring
The mouth of the Gulf of Mexico
Because there is so much varied landmass, and because it runs primarily north and south along a significant section of the Northern Hemisphere, the Sauropoda Protectorate's ecosystems also vary broadly. Biomes range from wetlands, to green, rolling hills and forests, to broad mountain ranges. There is a plethora of different organisms, including one of the most varied bird populations on earth, and a variety of sea life. The Carolina Swamp is the only place on earth with natural Venus flytrap plants, and since the reawakening of The Iron Tome it has also seen the return of the Primordial Venus Flytrap — along with a variety of flora and fauna once extinct.
The northern region of the Protectorate experiences dramatic seasonal changes, varying from rainy, green spring seasons, to warm, humid summers, to world-famous, colorful autumn foliage, to cold winters prone to heavy snowfall. The southern region is semi-tropical, and experiences seasonal ocean storms, but tends to a warm, humid climate overall, with snowfall being almost unknown. Annual percipitation ranges from 35-40 inches per year in the southeast to 25-30 inches per year in the north, and the region is prone to hurricanes, blizzards, and other significant storms.
Natural Resources
Coal, productive agricultural land, fish, timber, maple syrup, and rivers are some of the most significant natural resources boasted by the Protectorate. It also contains the Georgia Gold Belt, the largest gold deposit found in the former Eastern United States, and the largest potash deposit in the former United States is found in Florida. It was, and still is, the most densely populated region in North America, known for its enormous cities.
The Sauropoda Protectorate was the location of the last hidden population of Dinosaurs on earth, surviving from the late Jurassic period. They centered around the city of Jurassica, which revealed itself to the world in 2020 as the Iron Tome awoke.
The Eastern Seaboard was the first region settled in the United States, and thus, it remains the most populated region in North America overall. Most of the events that shaped the future of North America took place here. The Sauropoda Protectorate still contains Washington, DC, which still claims to be the capital of the United States of America (or what remains of it,) and manages the affairs of civilian government in the region. House Sauropoda lets them think that.
The abandoned town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, is also within its borders, which is the site of an ongoing coal fire that started due to unknown causes in 1962. This fire is estimated to keep burning for at least another 250 years.
In The Restructuring following The First Word War, much of the Eastern Seaboard sank into the Atlantic Ocean, killing millions. Most of the Maritime Provinces, part of New York (including Manhatten Island,) and a massive chunk of Florida sank. The Gulf of Mexico was also dramatically transformed. This event is essentially what broke up the North American nations and forced the creation of the House Protectorates.
The Sauropoda Protectorate seemed to weather The Second Word War with little additional trouble, but during The Third Word War, a number of significant Sauropodans disappeared as part of The Missing. This was the largest known group of disappearances outside of The Missing House.
During The Fourth Word War, King Bob called down a Meteor Swarm on Mt. Mitchell when the The Undead Horde overran it. The strike almost completely flattened the once-great mountain, and sent shockwaves throughout the Carolinas, causing localized earthquakes and other turmoil. The dust plumed into the atmosphere was almost as impressive as that produced by the Krakatoa volcanic eruption, causing a temporary drop of 2 degrees in the Earth's mean temperature. Jurassica was completely destroyed. The Dinos have been working diligently to excavate the ruins of Mt. Mitchell, now Mesa Mitchell, and to deal with the other effects of the disaster, ever since.
After the Restructuring and other disasters, the population of the Sauropoda Protectorate remains about 90 million people.
The Sauropoda Protectorate continues to draw tourists because of its immense natural beauty and historical significance, as well as people seeking the cultural experience of their amazing cities and varied regional sub-cultures. However, it has also begun to attract tourists who are interested in the history of Literomancy, eco-tourists, and dinosaur-enthusiasts. Its tourism industry is booming and world-famous.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

House Sauropoda by DaniAdventures/ShyRedFox
Alternative Name(s)
The Swamp
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species