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Void Mold

Void Mold is a parastic species that feeds on rot. It is native to, and as far as anyone is aware, only found in The Void. This is likely fortunate, since it is generally believed by Voiders Anonymous that this is the strange form of life that created Void Nuggies.

Basic Information


Void Mold may not actually be a mold; and if it is, it may be some form of slime mold, instead. It may potentially also be a bacterial colony, or some kind of single-celled entity hivemind. Nobody can be sure.

Genetics and Reproduction

Void Mold reproduces by finding more rot to grow upon. It spreads like mold, which is how it acquired the name. With the aid of an electron microscope, the Voiders photographed spores.

Growth Rate & Stages

Void Mold seems to develop on rotting things that find themselves lost, somehow, in the Void. They spread over the surface of said rotten thing, which begins to display a black gunk on its exterior. This happens over the course of a few days.   It is the next stage that is particularly concerning to many biologists. After a time, Void Moid spreads through organic material — such as rotten meat — and forms its own imitation of a neural network. Once that process has completed, which takes months or even years, new sentient creatures may be formed from what was previously dead organic matter; as occurred with the Void Nuggies.   Spores periodically burst free from such creatures to continue to propagate elsewhere. This process might take months, years, or even centuries, and might or might not kill or injure the host creature in the process. What determines the likelihood of this happening is unknown.

Ecology and Habitats

Fortunately, Void Mold appears to be limited to the Void, and is killed by natural solar radiation. Therefore, it doesn't exist everywhere in the Void — for example, it has never been found in The Firmament — and it appears to be simply incapable of surviving in the Realm (the natural, physical world), at least on its own. There is no guarantee that their transformed host creatures would not be able to survive, however.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is entirely possible that Void Mold communicates through some sort of psychic communication. Nobody's really sure.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Chicken nuggets covered in black mold
Void Mold by Sable Aradia with Artbreeder
Purple spores as a microscopic photograph (AI generated)
Void Mold Spores by Moonflower with NightCafe
Scientific Name
Your guess is as good as mine?
Conservation Status
No one is interested in protecting or preserving Void Mold except naive do-gooders and complete lunatics
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades


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