Satrium ([se' tri ʌm])
Satrium (a.k.a. The Wizard of GoT, the Wizard, the Duckromancer)
Quack quack QUACK!Satrium, also known as "the Wizard of GoT" and "the Duckromancer," is a Literomancer and technomancer who serves House Sauropoda. Widely respected for his technomantic capabilities, especially with coding, he has been consulted in the creation of most of the defense systems of the literomantic Great Houses. During The Fourth Word War, when Satrium was undead, he was known as Lichtrium.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Satrium appears to be in good health for a normal drake. Whether he has the expected lifespan of a duck or a Human remains anybody's guess.
Body Features
While living, Satrium appears, for all intends and purposes, to be of a normal size and appearance of a typical drake (male) domestic duck. As a zombie, Satrium appeared as a giant, 13 or 14 foot tall undead duck, with sickly, brown, moldy feathers, green and white mottled wings, and a green bill and feet.
Facial Features
Satrium's bill is long and orangish. His eyes are amber as a living duck, and red as an undead one.
Identifying Characteristics
Satrium has a tattoo of literomantic runes on his feathered breast. In his living form, they are typically a bright sapphire blue, but as an undead duck, the tattoo appeared in neon green.
Special abilities
Satrium has a natural talent for literomantic coding. While he is not a significant or formidible up-and-close combat fighter, his coding is essential to most modern literomantic electronic defense systems.
Apparel & Accessories
Satrium can usually be distinguished from a normal duck by his stereotypical wizard's hat. As a living literomancer, the pointed hat with its wide, round brim is dark blue, with silver moons and golden stars sewn onto it. While undead, he affected a blood-red version of the same hat, with black stars and neon green moons.
To anybody's ability to discern, this hat is made of wool or felt, with metallicized fabric patches for the suns and moons, like something that might be acquired at a LARP event or costume shop. His undead version, however, is believed to be made of silk or satin. It seems likely to those who know him that Satrium's motivation for wearing the hat is his sense of humour, although it does make for an easily-identifiable signal when one wishes to know which duck they ought to be talking to.
Specialized Equipment
Tablet, laptop, phone
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Nobody really knows why it is that the best literomantic coder in the world seems to be a duck. The prevailing theory is that he was somehow transformed into a duck through a literomantic accident, and no one has figured out how to change him back yet. The more fanciful gossip columns purport that Satrium is, in fact, a duck, and was somehow granted sentience through a literomantic accident. Conspiracy theorists claim he was a Company experiment.
Regardless, Satrium appeared on the literomantic scene sometime during The First Word War, quietly lending his Werds to the fight against the first Undead Horde. He joined up with House Sauropoda early on, and has remained steadfastly loyal ever since.
Initially, he was either not, in fact, a duck; or possibly, no one knew he was a duck. Satrium managed to avoid appearing on camera until The Fourth Word War, either because he was unnoticed as a duck, or because he has some literomantic means of commanding cameras. All interaction between him and the rest of the literomantic community seemed to be online; although it remains unclear whether or not King Bob was aware of Satrium's true identity.
Regardless of his loyalty to his House, Satrium's loyalty to the living appears to be greater. Many of the other Houses have requested his assistance in the creation of their security systems, and he obliged. He is widely respected, admired, and liked by most of Tome Knights.
This turned out to have unfortunate consequences in the Fourth Word War, when Satrium fell with House Sauropoda in the first week of the war. Nite Qween AttorraRu took full advantage of "Lichtrium, the Duckromancer's" skills, and used his abilities to hack into those systems during Horde assaults, including achieving a complete shutdown of the House Lapin security grid in the Battle of the Tunnels.
In the aftermath of the war, House Lapin is reworking their security systems so it is possible to run them on 1940s technology and magic, with no computers required, should Satrium ever fall to the Horde again. Other Houses are also thought to be making major changes to the failsafes in their Wizard-of-GoT-built security systems.
Yeah, he's a duck.
Satrium claims to have graduated high school and attended a university, but other than that, little is known.
At the outbreak of the First Word War, Satrium was working for a large tech corporation in Germany, coding their internal systems — or so he claims. This seems unlikely if he was a duck at the time, and he has never given the name of the firm he was employed by. Conspiracy theorists speculate that he was actually employed by the Company, sabotaged them somehow when he discovered their true nature, and was subsequently caught and subjected to some sort of experimentation, leading to his present form.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Satrium has many achievements of note in the literomantic world, but probably his greatest achievement was the coding of a literomantic program that allows the Tome Knights to tabulate the total Literomantic Power available, both to individual Houses and overall, in units of Werds. This allows the literomancers to formulate strategies and tactics against the Undead Horde. The program also tabulates the Werds absorbed by the Horde, and the Dark Literomantic power they generate. Intelligence from this program was essential in the planning of numerous offensives, including The 50K Offensive, and has also affected the decisions of Minor Houses in deciding which of the Major Houses to reinforce.
Failures & Embarrassments
Satrium doesn't seem to get embarrassed, but it clearly bothers him that he was able to so easily weaken and destroy the defenses he created when he was among the Undead. He has been experimenting since with ways to outsmart himself.
Personality Characteristics
Likes & Dislikes
Likes: Crackers, computers, RPGs, facts, rational discernment
Dislikes: Zombies, Donald Duck jokes, people being illogical
Dislikes: Zombies, Donald Duck jokes, people being illogical
Virtues & Personality perks
Satrium has an incredibly shrewd, witty, and logical mind. His extremely high intelligence and clever wit earns him a great deal of goodwill amongst Tome Knights.
Vices & Personality flaws
The Wizard of GoT has an unfortunate tendency to overload his plate with responsibilities, leading to chronic procrastination.
As a living duck, Satrium grooms his feathers regularly, keeping them a shining white. As an undead duck, however, this may have been impossible, and he exuded a continual rotting, moldy odour.
Contacts & Relations
The Wizard of GoT has excellent relationships amongst all the Houses, and counts many literomancers of significance amongst his friends.
Religious Views
Satrium is believed to be an atheist or a deist, but no one is quite sure. He has, however, exhibited an interest in world mythology and magic.
It should be noted that Satrium cannot speak. While he understands spoken languages just fine, he possesses only the vocal apparatus of a duck. Instead, he communicates through the use of tiny robotic arms, or, in a pinch, his bill, to type, supplemented by body language and occasional frantic quacking, or the use of a vocalization program.
Wealth & Financial state
The Wizard never seems to want for money. Whether this is due to personal acquired wealth, being well-paid by a tech company in his day job, or hacking bank accounts, remains a topic of gossip columns and Ribbit substacks.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Neutral Good
Current Status
Figuring out how to hide failsafes in his programs against himself
Current Location
Claims to be in his late 20s; either surprisingly young for a human or surprisingly old for a duck
Amber; red as undead
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White feathers, which change to a sickly green when undead
Usually 2 ft but was 13-14 ft tall when undead
Aligned Organization

Satrium the Doom Duck by HeroForge