House Ailurus

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House Chiroptera

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House Lapin

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House Meles

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House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney


Rabbitfolk are anthropomorphic rabbits and hares who do not shapeshift, and are usually not literomancers. They can often be found at The Warren, or as part of the Princess Rowean's Royal Light Infantry, commonly known as the March Hares . They seem to enjoy serving House Lapin, and often serve as general staff in the burrows.   The rabbitfolk, also called "Bunnykin" informally (and some differentiate species as opposed to culture this way,) are imports from another reality, who appeared about the same time that The Iron Tome awoke, but didn't become known to the general public in numbers until the formation of the March Hares, and their famous exploits in The Third Word War, especially at the Battle of Mount Mitchell. However, they have since become quite visible, and an important part of Lapin's national identity.   The reality they were imported from also, apparently, had an Iron Tome, and a Queen Sable Aradia analogue, a rabbitfolk known as "Sable, the Immortal Rabbit." According to RSM Elaine Murphy, she died defending the Royal Nursery in their equivalent of The First Word War, and the Iron Tome was lost to the undead; and then, a strange voice asked them if they would like to start over in a new world, with a new Immortal Rabbit to protect. She assumes that she and her people are the ones who said yes.   Most of the rabbitfolk started over in service to House Lapin, in what would become the Lapin Protectorate, because it gave them some point of familiarity. They tend to be staunch royalists, and love the Bunny Queen and the Lapin royal family with a fierce zeal. Perhaps this is because she welcomed them so openly when they arrived in her domain. Or, perhaps it's because so many of them seem to be soldiers, and so is their monarch.   There are only about a hundred thousand rabbitfolk in our reality at present, making them a technically endangered species.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

ie. Babs, Jessica, Hyzenthlay, Daisy

Masculine names

ie. Dandelion, Bugs, Cowslip, Holly, Peter

Unisex names

ie. Clover, Midnight, Moon, Snow

Family names

Bunnykin tend to adopt names of famous rabbits and hares from literature. The public is uncertain if they have done this as a result of arriving in our world, or if this is merely a coincidence.   Family names include Bunny, Rabbit, Carrot, Clover, Yojimbo, Nanabhozo, Moon, and the like. They also include more familiar English names such as Stewart, Richards, White, Smith, and so forth.


Major language groups and dialects

Rabbitfolk seem to speak mostly English, and obviously came from an English-speaking culture in their own reality.

Shared customary codes and values

Bunnykin believe in protecting the fluffle over the individual. It is not uncommon for them to make self-sacrificing efforts in order to warn their companions in wartime. They will also fiercely defend the young. Harming a child a fluffle of rabbitfolk cares for will earn their eternal wrath.   However, only a few will engage in open combat. Many more won't get mad, they'll get even, usually by some truly infernal method that, in a different circumstance, might be quite amusing to some. They prefer to outsmart, rather than outfight, their enemies.   However, when at play, which is most of the time, bunnykin are amazingly fun. They value a good sense of humour, a sharp wit, gregariousness, and generosity. While Queen Sable's chaos sometimes confuses or even irritates the people of other Protectorates, or even some of her own subjects, she is universally adored among the rabbitfolk for these very qualities.  
Cushy, my ass, Sarge. You ever tried keepin’ up with Mama Bunny? The Captain ain’t wrong when he says she’s a lunatic. But it’s fun. The Queen is fun. Proper bun sense of humour.
— Sergeant Sean O'Shea "Bigwig," March Hares (retired,) currently with the Owsla Security Squad.

Average technological level

Technology of the rabbitfolk's native reality was at least equivalent to that of this reality, with the exception that technology that incorporated Literomancy did not have a chance to become widespread.

Common Etiquette rules

Rabbitfolk expect jokes among friends. It is not uncommon for a bunnykin to show someone that they like them by affectionate (gentle, not humiliating) teasing or an innocuous practical joke. Those who have a more serious bend are often looked at with confusion.

Common Dress code

The bunnykin will wear whatever suits their fancy, just as humans do. However, probably because of the fame of the March Hares, military or pseudo-military fashion seems to be en vogue, and due to the popularity of House Lapin among them, pink is a favoured colour. They tend to display their lagomorph features proudly, making sure that their ears are given free rein to move as needed.

Art & Architecture

Creativity is highly valued among the rabbitfolk. They are not afraid to experiment in their creations, although styles vary broadly.

Foods & Cuisine

Though they tend to a vegetarian diet by preference, rabbitfolk are omnivores. However, fancy dishes in which vegetables are the main feature are highly favoured. Naturally, there are a lot of dishes that feature carrots, as well as edible flowers, such as dandelions.  
I like dandelions. They're tasty. Nothing wrong with rabbitfolk food.
— Queen Sable, being defensive about her choice of dinner menu

Birth & Baptismal Rites

While the birth of babies is highly celebrated among the rabbitfolk, like their lagomorph animal analogues, there is a high infant mortality rate. As a result, kits and leverets are not named until they have reached their first year of age.

Coming of Age Rites

Rabbitfolk coming-of-age rituals are essentially the same ones common to North American culture; getting one's driver's license, graduating high school and college, getting married, and so forth.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In general, rabbitfolk cremate their dead, in part sparked by the warfare against the Undead that destroyed their reality.

Common Myths and Legends

Trickster-heroes are a feature of bunnykin culture. Many of their mythological figures are familiar to the people of this reality, and they tend to have additional legends and tales about those figures. For example, there is a whole cycle of myths centering on El-Ahrairah.

Historical figures

  • Sable, the Immortal Rabbit - An alternate-reality version of Queen Sable from the Rabbitfolk's native reality
  • RSM Elaine Murphy - the Regimental Sergeant Major of the March Hares; also a Literomancer
  • Sean O'Shea "Bigwig" - Once part of the March Hares, and having lost his legs during The Great Migration, he now serves with the Owsla Security Squad under Commander DM Stretch.
  • Sergeant Thumper - A war hero with the March Hares
  • Ideals

    Beauty Ideals

    Rabbitfolk tend to appreciate health, just as humans do. A sleek, healthy coat of fur and bright, lively eyes are highly valued, and if anything, they prefer other bunnies to be on the larger side. Among the females of rabbit, as opposed to hare, ancestry, a thick dewlap is highly sought-after.

    Gender Ideals

    If anything, rabbitfolk tend to lean to a slightly matriarchal bend, since rabbits tend to this form of hierarchy. However, this is hardly strictly enforced. Co-ed military forces have been part of rabbitfolk culture for most of their history, and trans- and non-binary rabbitfolk have been broadly accepted for at least 100 years.

    Courtship Ideals

    Bunnykin are social creatures, given to many overt displays of physical affection. It is not uncommon for mere friends to spend long hours cuddling, and dating rabbitfolk are not shy about sex. Indeed, a bunnykin couple (or thruple, or whatever) that married would be looked at oddly if it became publicly known that they hadn't seen whether or not they were compatible in the bedroom before they married.

    Relationship Ideals

    An aspect of rabbitfolk culture that tends to shock and confuse some humans is that they don't tend to put a lot of stock in monogamy. While it isn't uncommon for the bunnykin to choose a mate who is their primary partner, secondary partners, one-night stands, and even multiple spouses are also not uncommon. You know what they say about bunnies, right?

    Major organizations

  • The March Hares - formally known as the Princess Rowean's Royal Light Infantry, the March Hares are a unit in the Lapin Armed Forces known for taking on the daring jobs that nobody else will; a sort of defacto special forces. They have distinguished themselves for repeated acts of bravery, especially during The Third Word War.
  • This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
    This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
    A small, middle aged woman with bunny ears in military fatigues, standing in front of a giant, anthropomorphic rabbit at the outbreak of a battle
    Mama Bunny Wants YOU! — image from a Lapin Forces recruitment poster by Erin Righ with Nightcafe
    Poster featuring Trooper Sean O'Shea "Bigwig," a famous Rabbitfolk
    Encompassed species
    Related Myths
    Related Locations
    A rabbit military officer with medals on her chest, smoking a cigar
    RSM Elaine Murphy, March Hares by Erin Righ with Nightcafe
    A rabbit soldier in modern gear in front of an American flag
    MSgt Ben "Bugs" Bunny, March Hares by Erin Righ with Nightcafe
    An anthropomorphic rabbit in casual clothes and a flak jacket
    Sergeant Thumper Barnes, March Hares by Erin Righ with Nightcafe

    Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades


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    Jul 18, 2024 16:19 by Tillerz

    Bunnies, all the bunnies! \o/

    Jul 20, 2024 01:14 by Diane Morrison


    Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.