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Fiver's Insight

"Well, sir," said Hazel, "my brother doesn't really think about these feelings he gets. He just has the feelings, if you see what I mean."
— Richard Adams, Watership Down
  In the classic novel Watership Down by Richard Adams, a novel that is much beloved of House Lapin, to the point that they have adopted much of its mythology into their own myths, rituals, and practices, there is a band of rabbits who ventures out from their warren and into the unknown when one of their number — a small, smart, but otherwise unremarkable rabbit by the name of Fiver — has a prophetic vision of their warren's destruction. This vision turns out to be accurate, as do a number of other dreams, visions, and intuitions. These often save the protagonist rabbits from destruction, but they also choose to ignore his warnings on occasion — sometimes due to self-interest, other times because the risk is deemed to be necessary despite the warning — always to their peril.   It is said that sometimes, members of the Lapin family exhibit a certain "sixth sense." This might present itself as "a bad feeling about this," a way of knowing things they could otherwise not know, or occasionally, visions of the future. They call it "Fiver's Insight" after the beloved visionary character in the novel, which has become an important part of Lapinite culture.   It is widely believed that Queen Sable Aradia, also known, among other things, as "Sable-rah" and "Sable Bright-Eyes," possesses this ability. Some say that her sisters, Princess Rowean and Princess Sunny, do so as well, and occasionally, it is said that Princess Luna, Archon Mykola Lapin-Void, Panda Polemarch Senna Nightshade, and Princess Becca also show signs of this; and perhaps so does Prince Jean.


The essential belief is that some members of the Lapin family, particularly its royalty, have always possessed extrasensory perception of a sort. Some are said to be able to fortell the future, others to read minds, still others to possess clairvoyant powers or the ability to talk to spirits or the dead. Some link this to the Rabbit in the Moon myth.

Historical Basis

The belief in what is now known as Fiver's Insight keeps popping up in the histories of House Lapin. It was said, for example, that Beata Lapin, who created the Lapin Secret Library, had a sense of forboding that led her to make the preparations that ultimately resulted in the Library's creation. Much of this is likely conjecture, or an attribution of supernatural powers to natural events (for example, Lapin's intelligence network is known to be excellent, and perhaps they simply have information that others might not.) But in a world in which Literomancy can potentially make anything possible, perhaps it isn't too far fetched.  

The Truth

While the current members of the Lapin royal family cannot speak to history, it is true that from time to time, Queen Sable believes she has had dreams that have delivered warnings or other important information. Princess Sunny attributes this to her sister's connection to The Firmament, and has also claimed that her ability to read The Void Paths haves enabled her to obtain similar warnings. None of that explains Princess Rowean's belief that she, too, has experienced similar dreams and insights, nor similar experiences claimed by the other, non-Voider members of the family.   It is also true that through the direct use of Void powers and literomancy, Archon Mykola once connected empathically to her mother in a crisis situation, and as a direct result of magic specifically intended to invoke it, Prinx Tempest and Queen Sable built a telepathic connection between them.   Tales that Princess Luna exhibits this talent are, thus far, unsupported by any evidence. It is likely this rumour was started because of the surface resemblance the little Princess bears to her mother, including some of her demonstrably proven powers.   It is likely that the attribution of this ability to the Panda Polemarch is just a result of her exceptional intelligence and highly-developed ability to plan ahead. For herself, the Polemarch would simply shrug and say, "Does it matter?"   But for the most part, Queen Sable would be the first to explain, if asked, that she isn't prepared to attribute this to some kind of psychic power. "The jury's out," she would say if asked. Perhaps it is a touch of extrasensory perception, she would admit, and she can't be sure it isn't. But she also believes it's just as likely that her ability to think laterally, combined with a highly developed ability to read subtle signals in tone and behaviour, combine in a way that her subconscious picks up on things that she isn't consciously aware that she knows; and if asked, Princess Rowean would agree. And all Queen Sable can be sure of is that when such a feeling comes, she should trust it.


Once only told in the family stories of House Lapin, this urban myth is now quite widespread, particularly in the Lapin Protectorate. Likely this comes from the way the Bunny Queen faced down all political opposition, in the wake of the The First and Second Word Wars, to build defenses and arm her citizens, should the The Undead Horde return — which, of course, they did.

Variations & Mutation

Of curious note to scholars of such tales, this urban myth was also a common belief in the initial reality that the Rabbitfolk came from, and was attributed to their reality's Lapin royal family analogue. Most rabbitfolk seem to take this as a given from Queen Sable and the Princesses, and Prince Jean as well. It is common for RSM Elaine Murphy to ask the Mother of Bunnies or the Bunny Princesses if they have "a bad feeling about this" before she engages in military operations.

Cultural Reception

Lapinites seem to embrace this belief. Sociologists postulate that this because it gives them some sense of control over an overwhelmingly frightening situation, with the existential threat of the Undead Horde (and other supernatural threats) returning every year. It is also a popular belief among the Woodlanders, probably for the same reason.

In Literature

The most definitive literary work on the topic is, of course, the one that gave it its name; Watership Down by Richard Adams, and the character of Fiver in his novel. However, the specific belief that the Lapin royal family possesses psychic powers has appeared in several collections of urban myths, and is a popular internet conspiracy theory.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Sable Casting.png
Sable Casting by Artbreeder
Date of First Recording
First incidence of a similar ability related to the Lapin family can be traced to an illuminated manuscript from the 1100s, but it was not called by this name.
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Sable Aradia
Character | Sep 10, 2024
Princess Rowean
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Mykola Lapin-Void
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Senna Nightshade
Character | Aug 30, 2023

Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades


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