Voiders Anonymous
Voiders Anonymous is a loosely-organized group of the Voidtouched among the Tome Knights. Part support group, part clique, and part coven, they meet frequently in the layer of The Void known as "The Labyrinth" to discuss the secrets of Voidlore and their feelings on the goings-on in the "World Outside" (the Realm, or physical reality as we typically understand it.)
Since "the Voiders," as they call themselves, are all among the scions of the Noble Houses, these discussions often include inside baseball commentary on the deepest secrets of world politics. Since they started to stream these discussions, they have also gathered something of a fan following.
There's a structure?Inasmuch as the Voiders can be said to have a leader, they look to Princess Sunny the Void Bunny as their primary expert on the Lore and hidden secrets of the Void. But otherwise, the group is clearly a chaotic free-for-all of equals, each of whom specializes in a different "layer" of the Void, and each of whom is considered to be the authority in the nature of that layer and its laws and powers. While they do share information and knowledge about the Void, for the most part they are simply a group of oddball friends and family, bound by their common weirdness as Voidtouched. No one attempts to command or direct anyone else, although they will work together on common causes, such Feasts of the Void, social gatherings they organize for the Tome Knights at Tourneys.
Culture? Isn't that mostly on Gala? Mushrooms, bacteria...The internal subculture of Voiders Anonymous is probably best described as "batshit crazy" and "utterly ridiculous" — chaotic, to say the least. Off-colour and off-the-wall jokes are a rule of thumb, as is gentle teasing, a constant stream of memes, and the kind of nonsense that most people find funny at 3 o'clock in the morning. When one considers they are literally laughing in the face of the Void, this makes some degree of sense.
Public Agenda
Do we actually have anything that could be described as a "public agenda?" I mean, I think this implies a level of organization we don't have.
Um, not to my knowledge other than to spread the word about the Void... and possibly chaos. Um... Void go brrrrrrrrrr
Chaos? Uh... don't touch that which is ours?... As The Company will find out...Voiders Anonymous seeks to educate people about The Void and the effects of being Voidtouched. They are vocal advocates for the Voidtouched, while at the same time, they caution people from being too trusting of anything from the Void. Since most of them have also had bad experiences related to The Company, they consider The Company to be mortal enemies.
THIS SECTION HAS BEEN REDACTED BY THE LAPIN PROTECTORATE FOR SECURITY REASONS BY ORDER OF THE OWSLA. CONTENT WARNING: unwilling human experimentation. Information unknown to the general public in the GoTverse
Most of the Voiders are the result of illegal experimentation by The Company as part of The Literomantic Genocide. Sable Aradia's DNA was stolen when she was a child, and zygotes and children produced from that DNA were exposed to the Void and Void energies within Company labs. Most died or had to be destroyed.
Princess Sunny and Prinx Tempest were cloned from Queen Sable's DNA, which is why they are acknowledged as her siblings; although the exposure to Void energies mutated their DNA and they are not, as would be expected, the Queen's "identical twins."
Archon Mykola and Panda Polemarch Senna Nightshade were created from DNA stolen from both Queen Sable and her husband, royal consort Erin Righ, so they are acknowledged as the Queen and Prince Consort's daughters.
Strangely, Senna Nightshade has never displayed any Void powers, although she seems to be highly resistant to the Void's effects and hazards.
Queen Sable's own exposure to the Void, making her Voidtouched, seems to have happened spontaneously after the theft of her DNA.
Known Void Powers
Teleport - self only - small wormhole - also used to enter and leave the Void
Immune to Tempest's Fire Powers
Fiver's Insight - some precognitive ability
"Kind Bear Glare" powers - can heal self and others, even extends to Resurrection, seems to be powered/limited by emotional connection
Faraday Cage - can create a force field of electromagnetic and Literomantic energy that physically repels creatures and energy, including radiation and extreme heat - may also be a form of ward against Dark Literomancy, spirits, and undead
Can manifest starlight glow, spheres of power that resemble stars, and other "starlike" magical powers
Turn Undead
Teleport - believed to be self only - uses shadows to enter and leave the Void
Immune to Galakrond's Void Portal powers
Void Tentacles - manifests semi-corporeal tentacles of shadow that can manipulate objects and damage non-Void creatures
"Sarlaac Maw" - manifests a maw of teeth by splitting her body down the middle from skull to tailbone - seems to be capable of swallowing anything
Tang Portal - teleport/gate; can be used by others with Sable's help
Immune to Sable's Star Powers
Fire Powers - can conjure and manipulate fire - sometimes does so involuntarily
Reality Manipulation - can move objects and people from one reality to another
Reality Sculpting - has, on one occasion, created a powerful literomantic artifact by "sculpting" the raw substance of reality
Notes: Prinx Tempest is currently listed as Missing in Action after The Great Migration, and is likely to be moved to the KIA list.
Void Portal - teleport - self and conjurations only - used to enter and leave the Void - can also cause damage to non-Void creatures
Immune to Void damage from Sunny's tentacles
Probability Bank - dumb, mostly harmless strings of "bad luck" cause him to lose at cards, trip over things repeatedly, etc., but claims this can be "banked" to sway probabilities in his favour should he need it (unconfirmed)
Void Conjurations - can conjure creatures from The Netherlayers
Void Eyes - manifests eyes over most of his body - can see in multiple directions at once
Teleport - seems to work something like a dimension door spell or a blink spell - used to enter and leave the Void
Dream Travel - according to reports, can enter, leave, and manipulate dreams
Dream Dust - produces a form of sparkling multi-coloured dust from the pores of her skin - concentrations can put living creatures to sleep when inhaled or digested, or induce hallucinations in undead creatures who come in contact with it.
Any other powers remain unknown at this time
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Oppress the Nuggies!
The Voiders returning to the Warren after a battle against the Void Nuggies by HeroForge/Tempest Kwake
Founding Date
December 2, 2021, following the Battle of the Warren
Social, Clique
Alternative Names
The Voiders, the Voidtouched
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Related Plots
So let me ask you; as an A-Voider, what is the attraction of Voidlore streams and the Voiders?
Aside from the fact that they and you are hilarious?Regular attendees of Voidlore streams have named themselves A-Voiders in a punny homage. The chaotic humour of the Voidlore streams appears to be the focus of the fanbase, but those who regularly attend the streams note that important secrets are often also revealed.