House Ailurus

0 Tomes0 Tourneys

House Chiroptera

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House Lapin

1 Tome3 Tourneys

House Meles

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House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney

Tempest Kwake (kweyk | /kweɪk/)

I didn't so much fall on the gender spectrum as roll around in it and make a mess.

Article by Filk Master Tempest Kwake

The Great Flame, The Flame of Encouragement, The Worldbender, The Rabbit's Paw, Keeper of Sekrets Tempest Scourge-of-the-Old-Gods Hope Kwake (a.k.a. Torch, Rabscuttle)

Tempest Kwake is the former leader of the Chaos Cartel and dissolved Minor House Incendium, the Filk Master of the Realm, and the Seneschal of House Lapin, as well as The Rabbit's Paw to Queen Sable Aradia.   They are currently officially listed as Missing in Action.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shhhhhh, it's okay. It's fine. It's fine. The burning won't stop until you do. You might want to just... run.
— Tempest
  All medical tests on Tempest have ended UNBELIEVABLY BADLY and most doctors don't try anymore.   They are a bit flabby and definitely have asthma, but not much else is known because they keep melting the needles for blood tests.   They have a diagnosis of IBS, mostly becaus no one can run any other tests so they have no idea what causes the gut problems.

Body Features

Like, I honestly try not to have a body most of the time, y'know? They're totally inconvenient...
— Tempest
  The Flame of Encouragement appears in human form as a solidly-built AFAB masc/neutral human who is somewhat on the short side. In bunny form, the Great Flame appears as a black-tailed jackrabbit, also known as an American desert hare, with orange and black agouti fur that appears to shift into living flame. Strangely, the black-tipped ears and tail appear to be slightly burnt, rather than a variation in fur colouration, and in bunny form, a faint scent of burning hair lingers around them. They are on the shorter side of the species, but are solidly-built in hare form, too.   It is known they have a badger form as well, but very little is known about it. They only seem to use it when they need to store extra Overflow power They have also revealed that they can and have been turned into a fish.

Facial Features

Tempest has six beard hairs that they are very proud of and a few small facial scars they don't really talk about much.

Identifying Characteristics

Often seen wearing blue lenses or flame rimmed glasses.

Physical quirks

Tempest can wiggle their ears, no matter what form they're in.

Special abilities

Tempest channels fire magic. They have revealed this is because they are connected to a part of the Void they call the Overflow, which is a fiery realm containing multitudes of different realities. They can also shift effortlessly between one reality and the next. They can bring Sable with them, as she is immune to the fire of the Overflow, but no one else without Sable's help.   This abiltiy was used to help evacuate the Warren in the 2022 Word War.

Apparel & Accessories

Tempest is often seen either in full flame mode, or wearing a flame shirt, flame pants, and flame glasses (which they wear over their "proper glasses" which let them see clearly). They also often wear orange, glittery crocs and (very occassionally) a flame cloak.

Specialized Equipment

A coffin handle staff used to channel their fire-totem magic (no one knows where this came from and frankly we're all a little afraid to ask)   A lantern used to light the words for other writers   A ukulele, also used to channel their fire-totem magic

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A writer with a laptop that is magically creating fire, pumping their fist
The Great Flame at the Battle of the Warren by Tempest Kwake & Sable Aradia
No one was really sure where this fickle flame caster came from. They bounced into the House Molluscan army one day and refused to leave until the end of the First Word War While they celebrated the Molluscan win, and indeed fought on their behalf during the first Tourney they and their newly discovered flame powers soon found things too wet for their liking.   With a few other newly found flame casters, Tempest founded the Minor House Incendium just before the second Tourney. They swore to House Lapin, enjoying the coziness of the Warren.   At the beginning of the Second Word War Tempest caught the Filking Plague first and quickly passed it on to nearly everyone, from Major House Leader to Tome Knight to Undead, and even to the Night Monarch. Completely unrepentant, Tempest was named Filk Master after the war to try and mitigate the chaos.  
A coin stamped with a flame and a motto that reads
The Flame of Encouragement by Myko
During the Second Word War, Tempest and House Incendium bounced from House Tiki to House Meles to House Mollusca (apparently forgetting the Molluscans live under water) to finally land back in the Warren with House Lapin. There they stayed, proving that even a fickle flame can be loyal when it feels like it.   In the April Tourney 2022 the Filkmaster began handing out medallions called The Flame of Encouragement to Tome Knights who took significant actions to encourage others. Rumour has it that he has started a competitor organization to the Self Care Mafia, the Chaos Cartel . Rumour also has it that the Mother of Bunnies has joined this illicit group. The fact that the Flame of Inspiration has dissolved Minor House Incendium seems to substantiate these rumours.   In January 2022 when Sable Aradia was stabbed, Tempest (who was visiting the Warren) helped Commander DM Stretch burn the assassin to ash. Following the Tourney, with the disappearance of Commander Stretch, Tempest, somewhat surprisingly to those who know the fickle nature of the Great Flame, joined the Owsla to fill the vacant position.   At about the same time, Tempest began appearing in a singed orange-furred fire bunny form, and Sable and Tempest began addressing each other as siblings. Since Tempest is known to be the sibling of the Bardger of House Meles, Realm of Music, it was unknown how this was possible, but Queen Sable has confirmed the relationship and cheerfully and publicly acknowledges and even celebrates it.
A medieval image of a rabbit armed with a spear on a crest. Text: House Lapin Owsla
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It was later revealed that Tempest was biologically Sable's clone, but shared a birth mother with Realm, although they share no actual DNA. This is now widely known by most of the House Leaders and many of the Tome Knights of the Realm, but is not known to the general public.   It has been revealed that Tempest was created by the Company and escaped somehow thanks to the aid of "Marsha" (or possibly "Martha"? Tempest is horrible at names). Recently, they have begun discussing this in therapy.
  They spent some time after escaping in the 1337 Speak Reality, where they apparently married a man known only as "Buddha" Kwake He insisted on joining Tempest in the GoTverse during The Third Word War in November 2022 filling in for WriterGreg in SWW News after Greg caught MancerMumps.  
Prior to the Third Word War, Tempest (while dressed as a popular ice-based cartoon character) was assaulted by Lord Galakrond while guarding The Iron Tome for Sable Aradia while she was in the bathroom. Unable or unwilling to harm Gala, who is one of the people they use as a tether to this reality, they allowed the Tome to be stolen after he punched them in the face.
  During the subsequent resulting Tome War, Tempest took charge of House Lapin after the fall of The Warren to The Undead Horde when Sable fell unconscious after repelling a large number of zombies. Tempest. who had discovered they could use The Chief Rabbit's enchanted key, locked down the Warren and sealed the Library so that the zombies could not get inside.   They then took the refugees to House Sauropoda but did not bend the knee in their sister's place, although they did pass on Queen Sable's wish to pledge Lapin's support. They fought hard at the Battle of Mount Mitchell, but disappeared partway through with Queen Sable and Duke Buddha Kwake to help revive Lord Galakrond, taking one of the two Night Monarch off the field of battle. When they returned, they helped rally the troops to Good King Bob and helped him filk the zombies back to life, in lieu of writing in the Tome.
A medieval image of a rabbit armed with a spear on a crest. Text: House Lapin Owsla
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Part of what drove Lord Galakrond to steal the Iron Tome was that he realized he was under the control of nanobots created by The Company and had attempted to assassinate his mother while under their influence. Buddha Kwake realized that he could seize control of the nanobots from a signal near the Warren, and the three decided to use the distraction of the battle to do so. As Lord GalaWight, Galakrond realized they had left the field and pursued them. The three were able to successfully seize control of the nanobots, duel Lord GalaWight to a standstill, and resurrect him.
  As a result, they suffered from Magic Drain, which presented at first as pneumonia. Despite their illness, they celebrated Tomesmas with the rest of the Warren following the war. In February, Tempest was fired from the Owsla by Queen Sable, who cited concern for keeping her family alive.  
A medieval image of a rabbit armed with a spear on a crest. Text: House Lapin Owsla
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Tempest was contracted by Commanders DM Stretch and Kitoypoy to protect Sable at all costs while she is in The Void, which Tempest decided meant they are a Sekret Owsla.
  In the April Tourney, Prinx Tempest recieved one of The Iron Crowns of the Woodlanders, specifically the Lapin Coronet. They worked hard in The Literomantic Games and, while they did not place on a podium, they did judge the Filking competition.  
A medieval image of a rabbit armed with a spear on a crest. Text: House Lapin Owsla
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Also in the April Tourney, Tempest met with Oyabun ShyRedFox together with their Syndicate underlings to discuss the self-care and encouragement needs of the Realm. The two agreed to work together, realizing that self care and encouragement need to go hand in hand.
  Following April, Tempest was very busy during the Battle vs the Nite Qing, the Penwall Ritual, and finally being appointed Seneschal to House Lapin and The Rabbit's Paw to their sister, Queen Sable. They are still flailing around wildly from time to time, unused to holding positions of political authority.   Between the April and July 2023 Tourneys, it came to Tempest's attention that the 1337 Speak Reality was soon to be destroyed in a fiery apocalypse, and they approached Queen Sable to ask if they could bring people across before the destruction took place. A massive effort errupted across the Realm to save as many people as they could from the 1337Speak Reality.   The Prinx vanished into the portal when it collapsed at the end of The Great Migration. No one else saw what happened, but Queen Sable claims she saw them vanish and dissipate into the Void.   All attempts to contact the Prinx have failed. Some Members of Parliament are pushing Queen Sable to list them officially as "Missing in Action, Presumed Dead" but thus far, the Bunny Queen has refused. She has appointed Erin Righ a Seneschal of House Lapin in their absence.   All of the members of the Woodland Family Alliance wore orange armbands into the field during the Fourth Word War in honour of the missing Prinx.

Gender Identity

While they make no bones about being AFAB, they present as neutral or masculine.


Tempest is Ace-spectrum, being demi-sexual, and claims to be polyamorous and pansexual as well.


A medieval image of a rabbit armed with a spear on a crest. Text: House Lapin Owsla
Tempest has revealed they were raised by the Company, who presumably taught them their first Literomantic spells.


After the Second Word War, Tempest was employed as the Filk Master of Game of Tomes.   Tempest joined the Owsla in May of 2022 and was fired in February 2023 on the grounds of Sable not wanting them to die.   Tempest was appointed Seneschal of House Lapin on May 6th of 2023.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tempest has written several books, with several more in various stages of construction and reconstruction.   Tempest is also a decently accomplished musician, singing middling-well and playing the ukulele passably. They have written many songs, enough that there are rumors that they have an album out for sale.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tempest has stated that they have started more books than they have finished. While they admit there are mitigating circumstances to each failed book, they also hope to someday finish each failed project.   Tempest also feels responsible for the chaos and stress brought to Sable Aradia of House Lapin by the Filking Plague. This is why they stepped willingly up as Filk Master after the Second Word War.

Mental Trauma

Oh, filk me, I practically burned the house down a few times. I was a mess. Uncontrolled magic and severe trauma is a terrible combination.
— Tempest, talking about their trauma with a therapist
  Prinx Tempest has been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and is seeing a therapist for it. The nature of the trauma is not publicly known, but most assume it is probably connected to the Word Wars.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tempest is very smart, but suffers from several learning disabilities. These include but are not limited to:  
  • ADHD
  • Dyslexia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyscalculia
  • PTSD
  • While they have been known to gripe about how these disabilities limit them (in particular the ADHD and dyslexia), they also say they would not want to go without them.  
    I, like, would totally not be half the literomancer I am today without my ADHD, y'know? And the dyslexia and the rest, like, keep my life interesting. I struggle, but, like, that's totally life for you.
    — Tempest about their learning disabilities
      They might also be Autistic and are seeking a diagnosis.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Tempest is fiercly protective of their loved ones, unwaverily loyal to the people who have earned their affection, and takes betrayal about as well as they take being doused with water.   Other than that, they're pretty chill.


    Tempest will not stand for people putting down their own or other people's writing.  
    Like, we all start somewhere, y'know? Shutting yourself or other people down is, like, totally not cool.
    — Tempest

    Personality Characteristics

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    I might be dumb, but I'm not that dumb.
    — Tempest
    I'm FUNNY!?
    — Tempest
    I'm as subtle as a brick to the face.
    — Tempest
      Smarter than anyone (including Tempest) realizes, poorly educated in weird areas, witty, and tactless, Tempest is occasionally difficult to parse.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Tempest cannot STAND the color pink. Purple is acceptable... sometimes. They guess.   Tempest's favorite colors, on the other hand are, in order of presidence  
  • green
  • blue
  • red
  • orange
  • Vices & Personality flaws

    They use a loooooooooooooooooooooot of Voidnip


    Family Ties

    The Great Flame is the sibling of Realm of Music, the Bardger, through a parent who was said to be a phoenix. This ties them firmly to the House Meles family line, and peripherally to the House Lapin family line.   In July 2022 it was revealed Tempest was Queen Sable's sibling.  
  • Realm of Music - brother by birth mother (no DNA relation)
  • Darth Nikolas - brother-in-law
  • Lord Galakrond - nephew
  • Erin Righ - brother-in-law
  • Sable Aradia - sister
  • Religious Views

    The Flame of Inspiration's religious views remain unclear, but they have recently begun to call on El-ahrairah and Frith, as Sable-rah does. Whether they picked that up from her is unknown.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Tempest knows how to knit and crochet


    Tempest has a slight stutter.


    Sable Aradia

    sibling (Vital)

    Towards Tempest Kwake



    Tempest Kwake

    sibling (Vital)

    Towards Sable Aradia




    Tempest and Sable had already met and established a friendship, especially through their work in the Chaos Cartel, before they discovered they were siblings. Since then, Sable came to trust Tempest absolutely. As Sable's clone, Tempest was capable of "fooling" magic that was keyed to the Chief Rabbit into reacting to them in the same way. Sable trusted Tempest with the key to the Lapin Library and the key to lock down the Warren. She kept almost no secrets from her sibling, and the secrets she did keep were meant to protect her younger sibling from the extent of her worries and distress. Tempest, for their part, was learning this sort of trust in Sable, but had farther to go, since their experience as a Company experiment made trust difficult for them. However, Tempest did join the Owsla in order to protect Sable, and when asked to step into the role of Seneschal, they did so. Tragically, Tempest went missing in the Great Migration and is now presumed dead.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    The Voidtouched bun sibs tend to assign backhanded complimentary nicknames to one another that have something to do with their Void powers. Sable called Tempest "Torch" affectionately for their fiery powers and forms; Tempest called her "Lite Brite" or "Star-Butt" for her starlight glow.

    Tempest Kwake

    spouse (Vital)

    Towards Buddha Kwake



    Buddha Kwake

    spouse (Vital)

    Towards Tempest Kwake



    Wealth & Financial state

    Tempest has only just become aware of the concept of owning money. They have no idea how to spend any of it.
    This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
    This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
    Chaotic good
    Current Status
    Missing in Action
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Seneschal
  • Prinx
  • Dux
  • Filkmaster
  • Currently Held Titles
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    Date of Birth
    September 15, 1987
    Year of Birth
    1988 36 Years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    Buddha Kwake (spouse)
    Sable Aradia (sibling)
    Current Residence
    The Warren
    Green-yellow-grey hazel with red-brown central heterochromia; black (bunny form)
    Dark brown, occasionally sparks with flame
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white (human form) ; singed orange fur that is on fire (bunny form)
    5’4” (human) ; 1'7" long (bunny)
    How DARE you??
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Like, totally.
    — Tempest
    Big big boom.
    — Tempest
    Taoist Pagan
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
  • English (conversant)
  • Bad English (native)
  • 1337 (fluent)
  • Character Prototype

    A figurine of a person with short-cropped hair and sunglasses, holding a flaming staff and a lantern, with many candles at their feet, in a cave

    Tempest Kwake, the Great Flame by HeroForge

    A jackrabbit on its hind legs, on fire

    Tempest's Bunny Form by Tempest Kwake

    A figurine of a person with short-cropped hair and sunglasses

    The Great Flame ukelele shredding by HeroForge

    A person drinking from a large coffee mug as their laptop produces magical fire

    The Great Flame writing by Tempest Kwake & Sable Aradia

    A person singing with fire in front of them and burning sparklers floating near their open hands

    The Great Flame displays their fire powers by Tempest Kwake & Sable Aradia

    A person in flame sunglasses giving a press conference with a volcano in the background

    Tempest Kwake giving a press conference at Mount Ignatius by Tempest Kwake

    A writer typing at a laptop that is producing magical fire

    Tempest Kwake's Literomancy by Tempest Kwake & Sable Aradia

    Filk Master

    In late 2021, Tempest was named as Filk Master for Game of Tomes, following the Great Filking Plague .   Incidentally, they were also Patient 0 of this plague, so this is entirely appropriate.

    Related Articles

    The Flame of Encouragement
    Item | Dec 30, 2022
    The Rabbit's Paw
    Rank/Title | Aug 26, 2023

    Filks Written or Primarily Performed by the Great Flame

    Cover image: Tempest Kwake Ukelele Shredding by Tempest Kwake & Sable Aradia
    Character Portrait image: The Great Flame rallies the troops for battle by Tempest Kwake


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