Nite Monarq AuthorGoddess , DoR (Defender of the Realm) (a.k.a. Living Dead Girl)
AuthorGoddess is the host of the popular talk show Let's Talk, and a literomantic mercenary. She was also the second Night Monarch to ascend to the Icy Throne. She is known for her sarcastic humour, and undead or not, for her fierce "mother bear" love.
AuthorGoddess' show on what was then the ASC News Network (now the GOT News Network ) rose to prominence when, during the First Word War and the ongoing zombie apocalypse, she moved her platform to YouTube and stayed on the air while most of the major TV networks collapsed. Somehow between then and the start of the Second Word War, she ascended to the bitter throne of the Night Monarch. First working behind the scenes to manipulate the Houses into fighting one another, she eventually revealed herself and instituted a reign of terror, that was only stopped when all the literomantic Houses united under the Grand Alliance and the Lapin banner.
Tenets of Faith
First, all people are judged by what they choose, not what is out of their control.
Second, don't be a ████.
Third, find your lasagna. Your lasagna is the thing that you do well and enjoy. It is what you bring to the world, big or small, to make the world and the people you meet that much better. Everyone has a lasagna.
What's yours?
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
AuthorGoddess is sensitive to sunlight, insect bites, and chemicals of all kinds. She has problems regulating her body temperature, and gravity frequently ambushes her while she is mobile.
Body Features
Several tattoos mark her skin. She wears glasses.
AuthorGoddess is a Weresphinx. In her Sphinx form, she is a white tiger Sphinx with a blue-green mohawk and multiple piercings.
Special abilities
Runic Literomancy: AuthorGoddess, a practitioner of rune magic, is capable of distilling complex story spell effects into bindrunes. This allows her to cast rapid literomantic effects at speeds that other literomancers cannot equal.
Werd Stealing: As the Nite Monarq, AuthorGoddess was capable of stealing the words of Tome Knights and other literomancers, draining them of their power and adding to her own.
Other Special Abilities: Plotting, editing, story structure, short stories, brainstorming & soundboarding.
Apparel & Accessories
AuthorGoddess often wears a black shawl. She almost always can be seen wearing lipsticks of unnatural colors.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
AuthorGoddess has always been a bit off the grid. In the first conflict, she established herself as a mercenary, helping WriterGreg's charity efforts. Despite moving from house to house, she managed to survive every culling by the undead.
As the host of Let's Talk, AG was one of the reporters to reach out right up to the very end. And that may have been her downfall. Rather than taking shelter with the other literomancers in the Zafforza Trench she attempted a more random guerilla/sniper style of fighting.
She did show up for one of the Tourneys of Tales but her presence throughout the year was sporadic at best. Those who were paying attention would have noticed moodiness, stress-reactions, long absences, and a general reluctance to commit to responsibilities.
Immediately following the second activation of the Iron Tome AG completely embraced the darkness, initiating the new Werd Stealing Affect with the spell, Werd Stealing Spell. While AuthorGoddess caught one of the most virulent cases of the Filking Plague in The Second Word War, this only seemed to bolster her powers -- and her deadly charisma. This and her warm(?) welcome to newly Turned Tome Zombies made the Undead Horde even more of a threat than before.
Although she has been most quiet and has kept out of the public eye, aside from her show, since her resurrection, the Werd Sphinx volunteered for The Battle of the Book as a support writer, and has been granted the title Defender of the Realm for her efforts.
Gender Identity
Hm? What? Did you say something?
Personality Characteristics
Likes & Dislikes
Likes: Snackies, support, & big, comfy chairs.
Dislikes: Egos, narcissism, toxic positivity, & discriminatory behaviors.
Virtues & Personality perks
Insane- Er, creative. Excitable.
Vices & Personality flaws
Imposter syndrome, easily demotivated.
November 1 to December 2, 2021
Social Aptitude
AuthorGoddess was extremely popular as the Night Monarch. While certainly she intended nothing short of world domination, she was kind and devoted to the Horde, and they universally loved her. As an enemy, however, AG is a deadly foe who will stop at nothing to get what she wants -- and if what she wants is your destruction, your days are likely numbered.
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.

Chaotic Good
Current Status
Hosting her talk show, otherwise keeping out of the public eye
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Circumstances of Death
Became the Night Monarch
Dark ashy brown with silver streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5.972 × 10^24 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Moar werds!
All werds are good werds, progress is progress, and productivity is what you need it to be.
Race ya!
Bad English
It was thrilling to relive the tales of our glorious Night Monarq… I mean, what am I saying? I'm not evil anymore. I'm not a zombie. I don't want to steal werds right now. Really, I don't…
Haha! My hordlings are loyal yet... Er, I mean. Say what?