Darth Nikolas ([ dahrth NIK-uh-luhs ] | / dɑrθ ˈnɪk ə ləs /)
The King Badger, the Chief Badger, the Great Badger, Wordlord of Meles Darth Nikolas Meles
Physical Description
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Personal history
Early Life
Darth Nikolas Meles was a square peg in a round hole. He was raised in the Nazarene church as a child, and then the Baptist church as a teenager. His parents were cold and distant, and when he headed into his teen years, he was constantly accused of getting into drugs, when it was his younger brother, Rob, who was doing so. Nik was the oldest of five; two brothers and two sisters. The family also struggled economically, despite their proud literomantic heritage. Nik tried very hard to fit into social expectations. He was a quiet, shy boy who tried to go with the flow and hated upsetting people. He went to church and Sunday school, never touched drugs or even alcohol as a youth, and worked hard at school, even though his ADHD made this challenging. Wanting only acceptance, this occasionally led him into running with the wrong crowd. This, in turn, led other people into making assumptions about him that kept getting him into trouble for things he didn't do. When Darth was 19, he lost his mother to cancer, whom he was really close to. This began a downward spiral in the Prince Badger's life. He married a woman named Holly before he turned 21. But over the next few years, he realized he was gay, and his entire life fell apart. A few months after turning 23, he had gotten a divorce, left the church, and become alienated from his family, who were strongly homophobic; except for Rob, who was dealing with addiction. Darth ran into some trouble with the law that stemmed from the crowd he was running with dragging him along on an expedition while telling him something else. He believed his friends, so it was a horrible surprise when they all got arrested for armed robbery. Unable to prove he knew nothing about what his friends had planned, young Nikolas was in some pretty serious trouble -- trouble which his estranged father got him out of, using ancient influence as a Great House and judiciously applied Literomancy. This was not out of love or loyalty, since the King Badger had not spoken to the Prince Badger since he came out. This was out of personal embarrassment, and in part was stemmed by the fact that of all of his siblings, Nikolas was the only one who had shown any talent for literomancy, or found the Badger totem; and therefore, was the only legitimate Meles Heir -- no matter what the King Badger's personal feelings were about it. But all of this was the farthest thing from Nikolas' mind. Having been informally adopted by his best friend's parents, he turned to them instead for guidance. He decided to use this opportunity to get his life in order. Seeking help from the system instead of avoiding it as his father had taught him, the Prince Badger finally got his diagnoses, got medication, and got himself together. Not long after that, he met the love of his life, Realm of Music. They struggled financially, but were generally happy together, and within a few years, decided to become parents. Nik worked as a video store clerk and Realm in tire repair and food delivery in order to keep the family afloat. The King Badger died while still estranged from his son. House Meles was reluctant to accept Nikolas as their Chief Badger, but they had no other options. The fact that Nik and Realm had somehow produced seven children, most of whom showed early aptitude as literomancers, mitigated their reluctance considerably, however.The First Word War
At the time of the outbreak of the First Word War, Nik and Realm were both barely getting by. Windy Willows was overwhelmed quickly, and Darth Nikolas found himself among the Undead Horde as Lich Nikolas. He was a terror to his husband and children, and the experience caused severe trauma all around. The sudden reorganization of society, with nations suddenly establishing or re-establishing feudal relationships with the literomantic houses, was a complete and total surprise to the new King Badger; and not one he was necessarily prepared for. However, Nikolas has always been dutiful and honourable, and he made arrangements with some of the other Houses to help establish the things he lacked when people came to House Meles for their protection. The Bardger was supportive and helpful, and House Meles stepped into their new role with aplomb. However, these working class Badgers are not about to let their children become effete, spoiled royals; they are still expected to do chores and learn other life skills. House Meles won the April 2021 Tourney of Tales, but scandal plagued them in the July Tourney because it turned out that one of the "power writers" of the House had found a way to cheat the system. They were expelled, but Meles morale was seriously damaged and it has taken them some time to recover.The Second Word War
Nik and House Meles did better during the Second Word War. While Lord Galakrond fell to the Horde, the rest of the House survived and escaped. They were able to bring the houses together at a crucial moment, and were key to the victory at the Battle of the Warren.Following the Second Word War
In the aftermath of the war, House Meles rebuilt Windy Willows, and worked to strengthen their relationship with House Lapin. When the GOT News Network publicly revealed that the Forgelings were the biological offspring of The Chief Rabbit, this was still news to the Forgelings, and the family was shaken by the premature reveal. However, the Wordlords of Meles and Sable Aradia responded by developing a workable co-parenting system. All of them refused to entertain public questions about succession and house loyalty, despite repeated scandal, finally deciding to claim Nik as their biological father in order to circumvent the issue. Some tension developed among the Forgelings when the issue of succession heated up, but most of that calmed down when Xantos and Jellybean, being wererabbits, were officially added to the House Lapin succession. Meles and Lapin reeled under the revelation that Lord Galakrond had been kidnapped by The Company before The First Word War, as they attempted to enlist him in their scheme to access and make use of The Iron Tome. Galakrond began trauma therapy and the House worked to support him. Tensions rose between Lapin and Meles, however, because the Owsla made it clear that they were suspicious of the Badger Prince. Following the July 2022 Tourney of Tales, it was revealed that the assassination attempts that had been made against Sable Aradia were committed by Galakrond, under the control of Company nanobots. At first, all parents avoided telling the Badger Prince, because they feared the effect on his mental health. When Owsla Commander Kitoypoy took it upon himself to tell him, however, Gala, who had been visiting The Warren for the summer, went home to Windy Willows, and the family watched him closely, even as they tried to provide help and support.The Third Word War
Lord Galakrond launched the Third Word War when he stole the Iron Tome from his mother in a desperate attempt to rid himself of the nanobots. He and ECC Books, now in his guise as ICC DeadPeople, the Nite Monarq's successor, struggled over control of the Tome at the turn of midnight, and both were transformed into Night Monarchs. The two each set about creating their own Undead Hordes, but mostly worked in tandem to acquire the Iron Tome for the Undead. Now known as Lord GalaWight, the Void Prince concentrated on acquiring his family into the Horde, perhaps to increase his own literomantic power through The Law of Similarity. Windy Willows was his first target, resulting in the loss of Purpleheart and Prinx Xantos to the Horde. The rest of the family and House escaped to the Warren through a previously-established magical portal. House Chiroptera fell next, and in that battle, GalaWight acquired his brother, Prince Jean of House Lapin. However, his attempt to acquire his sister, Panda Polemarch Senna Nightshade, was thwarted when Senna made the choice to join ICC's Horde willingly, buying her sister, the Archon Mykola Void time to escape. Ensconced at the Warren, Houses Meles, Lapin, and Ailurus formed the Woodland Family Alliance and agreed to make decisions as a triune council. The Warren was targeted next. During the battle, an evacuation helicopter carrying the King Consort Realm of Music and the surviving Forgelings back to the Warren was shot down over Okanagan Lake. Nik took part in the rescue attempt, but disaster struck when an undead Prinx Xantos broke through the defensive line and killed his sister, Princess Monkey. The rest of the family survived, but were forced to evacuate the Warren to the Sauropoda Protectorate, with the Chief Rabbit confined to hospital for Critical Magic Drain. There, the often-broken Woodland Family came together, determined to get their family members back, even Galakrond. They fought hard in support of the Dinos, helping them to acquire the Iron Tome once again for the living. All of Nik's children were resurrected, either by the power of the Tome or the Bunny Queen's healing magic.After the Third Word War
Following the war, the family stayed in the Warren while rebuilding was once again carried out at Windy Willows, and they celebrated Tomesmas together. The Meles family has been quiet since, but the Woodlanders are far more frequently seen in each other's company, clearly having been brought together by the adversity. Most of the family is now in trauma therapy, Nik included, and things are busy but happier than they have been in a long time. The Meles and Lapin Protectorates, and the fledgling Ailurus Protectorate, have been working to limit restrictions between them, building a common currency, open borders, automatic dual citizenship when spouses cross borders, free trade, and so forth. And Nik is experimenting with a new form of leadership, allowing Lore Keeper Purpleheart and House Librarian ShyRedFox more involvement in House decision-making and more autonomy when exercising their right to speak for the Badger King.Gender Identity
Failures & Embarrassments
Mental Trauma
Intellectual Characteristics
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Likes & Dislikes
Vices & Personality flaws
Legal Status
Legally Married and Happily in Love
There has never been any sort of romantic or sexual relationship between Sable Aradia and Darth Nikolas, although their spouses, Erin Righ and Realm of Music are half-brothers, and they are dear friends. When the Wordlords of Meles wanted to have a family, they asked Sable to help. Between them they produced 7 children, known collectively as "The Forgelings." They are not certain which of the Badger Kings is the biological father of The Forgelings, or if it varies, and have no interest in finding out. They claim that Darth Nikolas is their father, however, so that questions of succession in the Meles line can be put to rest.
Legal Status
Co-parents, Siblings-in-Law

Good luck on progress!
